Address: 5 Gammacks Road (300 metres off junction of Duck Pond Road and Ridge Road, Motukarara)

Please note:

  • Cell phone reception at Waihora is now excellent.
  • Waihora Clay Target Club has an EFTPOS facility and cash always works!
  • O/L banking account is Westpac 03 0767 0323243 00.

                  held every Thursday from 11am to 4.00 pm.

Check here for PRACTICE ON/OFF eg. if weather no good           

                       Thursday 3rd April 2025:

                                   PRACTICE - ON




     Cash, EFTPOS, O/L  Westpac 03 0767 0323243 00

                                   Ref:   Practice                                         ________________________________________________________​​​​​​​

PRACTICE TARGET COSTS (Note - slight increase from 1/1/2025):

DTL:        $9.50 for 25 tgts for  Waihora club members .

                $11.25 for 25 tgts for non Waihora club members

SKEET:   $9.50 for 1 round/25 tgts for Waihora club members 

                $11.25 for 1 round/25 tgts for non Waihora club membe

Juniors   $9.00 for 25 tgts/1 round


******** UPCOMING ********


For full year refer to 2025 Official Shoot Programme above​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Sunday 13th April: Waihora Sporting Clays Gun City Duckshooters 

                      9.30 am 

Saturday 19th (Easter Saturday): Waihora 100 skeet Trophy


Saturday 26th April: Waihora Club Day

                       9.30am   Skeet 50 tgts

                     12.30pm   DTL

                                             Handicap trophy over

                                                25 tgt Single Rise

                                                25 tgt Continental

                                                15 pr Double Rise

                                ​​​​​​​AA=18m, A=16m, B=14m, C=12m

  • Waihora can run Corporate Shoots for groups. For details and who to contact for booking go to CORPORATE SHOOTS to see our brochure 
  • The Membership Form for joining Waihora Clay Target club can be seen and downloaded from "FORMS & RULES" above; it can also be mailed out on request and is also available at the club on Club Shoot days and Thursday afternoons (skeet and DTL practice afternoon).